“NSFW – The Series” – Independent Movie Review

“NSFW – The Series” Review is SFW

Langdon Alger | Independent Movie Review

“NSFW” The Series has a lot of potential.

It’s kind of a fish out of water story about a character named Ronny who I have a feeling if the series continues, five webisodes to date, will find out that he’s gonna like it just fine out of that water.

Ronny’s character is played very well by Joe Sabb. The first episode finds Ronny interviewing for a job at a company that deals with watching and writing descriptions of porn movies. Immediately you look at Ronny and say to yourself why and how did he choose to interview for this job.

Each of the five episodes genuinely made me laugh at some point. There are a lot of easy jokes to be had when dealing with this subject matter, but beyond those quick hitters there is smart funny substance as well.

The casting of the characters I think has been pretty spot on. From the likable office manager Stu, played by Eoin O’Shea, to the cute receptionist Olivia, played by Tabitha Allen, that has a back story with Ronny, to the eccentric boss of American Internet Bruce Champagne, played by Robert Funaro, the characters are all likable in their own way and have enough substance to them that will allow for story lines to be developed.

I think there is a lot of room for Ronny’s character to grow and for the series to expand outside of the work environment into Ronny’s personal life with ultimately both worlds colliding as work becomes more comfortable and a part of his life.

The series has all the makings of a project that could very well stick around for awhile and I hope it does.

Nothing really to complain about technically. You can tell the crew are professionals in some sense of the word. If they had the proper funding they could probably do some damage in a good way.


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