Dr Cult-O M.E. Reviews “Black Panther”

Dr Cult-O M.E. | Independent Movie Review

Ryan Coogler joins the Marvel Universe as director/co-writer (follows his studio smash “Creed”) with “Black Panther”.

A full black cast and crew invent an African fantasy and positive world message in a basic superhero movie. It’s a mixed bag of Bond style fun and way too much CGI, saved by a stellar cast and a character driven screenplay. Much like Thor, a hidden kingdom taken over by a bastard prince Michael B Jordan (excellent). Chadwick Boseman is a huge plus. Good movie with women in key roles as warriors and scientists. Great Hit.

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The Doctor is in. Pop Culture Gadfly John Charles Hunt can give you his insight into the fringe of film and TV enjoyment. Hitting the streets to find fun.

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