Square Pegs is a tale of familial strife, redemption, and the transformative power of forgiveness. Directed by the late Bill Rahn and produced and written by James Houston Turner, the film follows the turbulent relationship between Hiram “Mac” McCoy, a devoted pastor, and his bartender daughter, Jodie McCoy. Sometime before the film begins, Meredith, Mac’s wife and Jodie’s mother, died in a tragic accident helping Jodie when her car ran out of gas. This lack of automotive foresight had been a longstanding issue between Jodie and her father, and he blames her for Meredith’s demise.
The rift between father and daughter deepens when Jodie files a lawsuit against Mac, seeking her share of the family house following the tragic death of her mother. Her hope is that the sale proceeds can be used to purchase the bar where she works, a potentially life-changing opportunity she refuses to pass up. Blame and resentment simmer between them, fueled by the circumstances surrounding Meredith’s passing—an event marked by Jodie’s desperate call for help and Mac’s absence due to a church meeting. As tensions escalate, a mediating judge intervenes, ordering Mac and Jodie to swap roles for a week: Mac must tend the bar, and Jodie must run the church. Both are equally perturbed by this change, but they agree to the experiment, seeing as it is a court order. Forced to confront each other’s worlds and perspectives, they embark on a journey of self-discovery and emotional reconciliation.
Through interpersonal exchanges and introspective moments, the film tackles themes of loss, faith, and the search for meaning in the face of adversity. As Mac and Jodie grapple with the loss of Meredith and their present struggles, they learn valuable lessons about empathy, compassion, and the importance of letting go of resentment. With performances by Meggie Jenny, Wayne DeLoriea, Jermi Little, and Kera O’Brion, Square Pegs offers an exploration of the human condition and the enduring hope for healing and renewal. Turner’s personal experiences with grief infuse the narrative with authenticity and depth, inviting audiences to embark on a journey of self-reflection and discovery.
The Christian themes in Square Pegs are prominently featured, which may make some viewers hesitate to pick it up. However, for those seeking a faith-based drama, this film delivers. Among Christian films, Square Pegs stands out as one of the better offerings I’ve encountered. Certain moments may irk individuals with extensive experience in kitchen or bar work, revealing a lack of industry expertise among the filmmakers. Nevertheless, despite a handful of minor plot holes and production flaws, the narrative authentically explores themes of redemption and forgiveness. Cinematically and narratively, Square Pegs excels, giving viewers a compelling dramatic experience. The camera is always where it needs to be, and Bill Rahn’s gentle touch makes the interactions between characters seem all the more natural. Those looking for a simple, heartwarming drama with a strong moral compass will want to watch Square Pegs.