Dr Cult-O M.E. Reviews “The 15:17 to Paris”

Dr Cult-O M.E. | Independent Movie Review

A true life heroic docu-pic of a galant and harrowing attack of a terrorist on a high speed train to Paris… with the real life heroes starring as themselves, directed and produced by Hollywood Icon Clint Eastwood (American Sniper).

The movie is an American story for the whole world to say… “hey… we can all get along” when it comes to terrorist. Is the movie good? Flaws are all about in movie storytelling, but Eastwood has still got the chops. “The 15:17 To Paris” is uneven and strangely un-Hollywood… almost like a cheap indie. The real people playing themselves as themselves takes work to make the re-enactment believable, and it half-works. Line readings by non-actors is painful, but get past it.

Eastwood frames the story of three boys in Sacramento, in a Christian School… outcasts and from broken families, and find bonding friendship through their connection as outcasts.

As grown men, two become military volunteers and want to be warriors. This where Eastwood does his best, to tell the story of ordinary people who are not born heroes. They fail, but still persevere in their service.

The mid-section of the movie is a travelogue through Europe as party boys meeting after years to enjoy life. But the final act of the movie is truly frightening and heroic, and best of all satisfying as Eastwood can do. This is an experiment from a legendary film maker… a challenge. Worth seeing but as a said, get past the painful flaws and feel the true story. Eastwood still delivers.

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About the author

The Doctor is in. Pop Culture Gadfly John Charles Hunt can give you his insight into the fringe of film and TV enjoyment. Hitting the streets to find fun.

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